Piedmont Arts Fund Grants $65,000 to Piedmont Schools
The Piedmont Arts Fund, formerly PAINTS (Promote Arts In The Schools) and CHIME, in partnership with PEF, presented the Piedmont Unified School Board with grants totaling $65,000 to fund visual and performing arts in Piedmont Unified School District (PUSD) for the 2018-19 academic year.
The Piedmont Arts Fund relies on donations through the Piedmont Store and through special events like the Big Art Show in March to support art education in all of the schools in the Piedmont Unified School District. The grant presented supports art for K-12 students including supplies, music instruction, integrated art, lunchtime art, 2D and 3D art, ceramics, photography, graphic design, band, orchestra, acapella, choir, theater, dance, poetry, film and art books in the libraries. The breadth and depth of these offerings would be impossible to maintain without parent and community support.
The Piedmont Arts Fund has an open call for art submissions through entrythingy.com for the 3rd Annual Big Art Show in March for 2D, 3D visual art and jewelry, closing on February 23, 2019. Community Artists are encouraged to enter this juried show. The Big Art Show at the Piedmont Center for the Arts is open between March 16 and March 30th, 2019 with proceeds supporting arts education throughout the Piedmont Unified School District. More information can be found at piedmontartsfund.org.
Photo by Studio-FAB.com