PEF Announces $3,350,000 Grant to PUSD for 2022-23 School Year

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Successful Giving Campaign contributes to teacher salaries, libraries and student support, and more.


Piedmont Education Foundation’s Board of Directors approved a $3,350,000 grant to Piedmont schools for next year. The grant distribution was recommended by this year’s PEF Grants Committee, whose active membership included the presidents of each parent’s club, several parent support groups, and PEF board members. The committee is advised by PUSD’s superintendent, assistant superintendent, and chief financial officer. The annual grant amount is determined by PEF general fundraising and endowment distribution, less expenses and a small operating reserve.

“This year’s process was really special since the Giving Campaign raised far more money than expected,” says PEF executive director Heather Frank, “we were able to satisfy PUSD budget needs and save some programming.” Piedmont’s parents’ clubs sent out surveys which garnered nearly 500 respondents weighing in on PEF’s current distribution model and their priorities for additional fund expenditures. Full survey results are viewable online.

A majority of respondents felt that the distribution plan from last year seemed reasonable and the grant committee chose to move ahead with only slight adjustments. This year’s base grant will continue to place primary focus on teacher retention with 72% of grant funds supporting teacher salaries, inclusive of librarians and other specialists. Another 20% invests in student support staff, such as paraeducators, classroom aides, and counselors, and 8% in classroom support, curriculum development, diversity, equity and inclusion work, and professional development. After salary support, professional development opportunities for teachers and staff are a key recruitment and retention tool, leading to a significant increase in funds for this line item.

Based on input from the surveys, the grants committee recommended that the additional funding be used to continue two newer programs whose government funding was ending. PEF funds will maintain the expanded tutoring program and extended mental health counseling across the district. PEF will fund two elementary school priorities: aides to re-open school libraries at lunchtime for student use and the continued placement of paraeducators to supervise during lunchtime at each school. The middle and high school representatives prioritized a secondary reading specialist, who will provide ongoing support for older readers.

The presidents of the tri-school parents clubs shared that they worked closely with the elementary school principals. “We reviewed survey data and elementary schools needs,” says HPC co-president Val Reilly, “We are grateful that the grant will be able to fund these important areas and provide significant increases to classroom support and professional development.”

The full breakdown of the 2022-23 grant from PEF to PUSD is viewable here.