How to Navigate the IEP and 504 Process

Online via Zoom

The IEP process can feel overwhelming and complicated. Often parents aren't sure where to begin and even those who are more seasoned can feel a bit lost. How do we engage our IEP teams in ways that promote collaboration and support our learners in neurodiversity-affirming ways? Join Lisa Wright, IEP coach, in a discussion about […]

Unified by Design: Understanding How Universal Design for Learning Can Help All Kids Excel

Online via Zoom

Join us on March 6th for the next talk in PIE’s Neurodiversity Speaker Series: “Unified by Design: Understanding How Universal Design for Learning Can Help All Kids Excel”! Date/Time: Wednesday, March 6th, 7-8:30 pm Zoom Registration Link: This webinar for parents and educators will share information on how Universal Design for Learning can benefit […]