Spring Fling Comings & Goings Photography Project for Kindergarten and 5th Grade
Each year, a highlight of our Spring Fling fundraising season is the beloved “Comings & Goings” photo project for kindergarten (Comings) and 5th grade (Goings) students. With this program, photographs are taken of every student during school hours, capturing their journey at the beginning or end of elementary school.
With your purchase of this professional digital photograph, you are not only receiving a frame-worthy image of your student that can be shared with family & friends, but also directly supporting our school.
Our professional photographers (and local moms) are: Sasha Przybyla, Stardust Photography, Marielle Hayes, and Jane Violich
Look in your email and school bulletins for the photography dates for your school. Photographs can be purchased at PiedmontSpringFling.org.
Announcement URL:
Questions? Contact Piedmont Spring Fling 2025 at info@piedmontedfoundation.org