Spring Fling is the annual fundraiser benefiting Piedmont’s three elementary schools. This important campaign brings together the entire community to support our children’s education. Funds raised by Spring Fling go directly to the schools, supporting counseling and counselors, librarians and library activities, programs to develop a positive playground culture, improve instructional technology, support phonics curriculum, and other vital programs.
Learn more about this year’s Spring Fling at PiedmontSpringFling.org.
Spring Fling Gala 2024
Do your thing for Spring Fling
Spring Fling is successful only because of the support of our wonderful community. Our goal for Spring Fling is 100% parent participation. There are a variety of ways for you to get involved whether by volunteering, sponsoring, donating/purchasing auction items, and/or attending the event.
Please email us at info@piedmontedfoundation.org to learn how to get involved.
What is Spring Fling?
What is the Spring Fling?
Spring Fling is a season of events all benefitting Beach, Havens and Wildwood. It includes:
Camp Auction (January/February): An online auction of fun camp adventures.
Comings & Goings Photography Project (March): Photographs are taken of all Kindergarteners and 5th Graders documenting their “comings” and “goings” from elementary school
Parent Parties (April – June): Hosted theme events for parents & students held throughout the spring
Online Auction (April): Bid on exciting adventures & wonderful items while supporting our schools
Silent & Live Auction at Gala (May): A selection of special events & items will be available to bid on at our Gala
Golf & Tennis Classic: A day of golf or tennis at Claremont Country Club
I donated to the Giving Campaign. Why should I participate in Spring Fling?
Spring Fling is our only fundraiser specifically for our elementary schools. Every dollar raised goes directly to Beach, Havens and Wildwood to help fund programs vital to our schools. This is our chance to fund items that are important to elementary families. In past years, funds from Spring Fling have supported student wellness, music and art programs, purchased Chromebooks and classroom technology, and even bought back furlough days.
What are "Parent Theme Parties"?
Our biggest community builder, each year, parents plan and host small themed parties. These parties may be for adults, kids, or the entire family. In past years, these have included the 5th Grade Luau, movie nights, and block parties. Signing up for a party is another great way to get involved and support Spring Fling.
What does a Gala ticket include?
Your ticket to the Gala includes a cocktail hour, sit-down dinner, open bar and entertainment for the evening. It is a super fun night full of surprises!
Can I sit with my friends at the Gala?
Yes! When you purchase tickets online, you can enter your friends names. We try very hard to accommodate all requests.
What is the Comings & Goings Photography Project?
Kindergarten and 5th Grade are extra special years for our students. We capture the first year of elementary school and the last in our Comings & Goings Photography project. A professional photographer comes into the classroom to taking a beautiful headshot of our students that are shared digitally and can be printed for framing. To see samples and learn more, visit PiedmontSpringFling.org.
Are sponsorships available?
Yes! We have opportunities for both parent and business sponsors. Visit PiedmontSpringFling.org for details or feel free to call the PEF office at 510-653-1816 to find a sponsorship package that works for you.